Ethalfluralin has been approved by EPA for use on hemp seed; this is the first conventional pest management option for hemp growers.
Post Author: Hannah Ross
The IR-4 Project Inducts Bernard Zandstra into Hall of Fame
Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, Bernie!
EPA and FDA Consider Change in Pest Management Product Oversight
Learn IR-4’s perspective on a potential change in honey bee product regulation.
2023 Event Dates: Industry Technology Session, Food Use Workshop, and EHC Workshop
Save these dates and stay tuned for more details!
IR-4 Honors Outstanding Team Members with Awards at 2023 NEC
Employees honored with National Recognition of Excellence Awards, Technical and Meritorious Service Awards
The IR-4 Project Commemorates 60 Years of Impact
2023 marks 60 Years of IR-4. Read more about our project’s impacts and longevity.
EPA Approves Post-Harvest Tolerance for Blueberry Growers
EPA has approved a new tolerance for sulfur dioxide on blueberries. Read more here.
2023 National Education Conference
The 2023 NEC was held Feb. 7-9 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Presentations now available!
Revised Crop Group Table Now Available
The EPA recently released the sixth Final Rule in a series of updates to pesticide crop groupings. The revised crop group table is now available here.
From Chickpeas to Quinoa: EPA Expands Legume and Cereal Grain Crop Groups
EPA has released the sixth Final Rule in a series of updates to pesticide crop groups. This update includes new commodities and additional subgroups in Legumes and Cereal Grains.