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Post Author: Hannah Ross
IR-4 Welcomes Mary Hausbeck to North Central Region Leadership Role
Hausbeck fills the role previously held by John Wise, Ph.D. following his retirement.
New Meister Media Digital Report Highlights 60 Years of IR-4
Read Meister Media’s new digital report spotlighting our 60 years of impact.
2023 SOAR Award Winners
Three recipients recognized as outstanding longtime partners to IR-4.
IR-4 Commends Bill Barney for Codex Revision Completion
Barney was presented with an award for his efforts at the 2023 Food Use Workshop.
Nomination Period Now Open for 2023 Food Use Workshop
Watch the new video and submit your nominations.
New IR-4 Video Shows How to Complete a Project Clearance Request
We invite stakeholders to learn more and get involved in our research cycle.
SOAR Award Nomination Period Now Open
Join us in honoring our external partners through the SOAR award.
IR-4 Hosts Borlaug Fellowship for International MRL Capacity Building
Fellows from four countries visited IR-4 in May to learn about MRL harmonization through a USDA-FAS program.
IR-4 Petition Yields First Conventional Pesticide Tolerance for Hemp
Ethalfluralin has been approved by EPA for use on hemp seed; this is the first conventional pest management option for hemp growers.