Dear Friends,
After over 27 years, Tammy (White) Barkalow is retiring as QA Manager for The IR-4 Project! Friday, July 31, 2020 will be the last “work” day for Tammy. Over the next month, she will be utilizing accumulated leave time and formally retiring on September 1.
Tammy was hired as the IR-4 Project’s first dedicated Quality Assurance Manager in January 1993. IR-4 made the investment in this hire because IR-4 was failing with our compliance to the new EPA Good Laboratory Practice regulations for residue studies. She brought to IR-4 a strong background in regulatory science, first as a Study Director and then as a Quality Assurance auditor for large contract research organization. Very quickly, Tammy upgraded IR-4 Quality Assurance and Good Laboratory Compliance systems to be in line with acceptable practices with the regulated community.
Anyone who has ever worked with Tammy recognizes that she takes great pride in her work. She is passionate in the pursuit to get assignments completed accurately and promptly. She has always steered IR-4 in a forward direction to ensure that our data stood up to the rigors of EPA compliance audits. She was also giving of herself and her time; volunteering her time in the operations of the Society of Quality Assurance where she served as President.
During the next phase of her life, she will be following her new passion to become a candy maker. Her and her husband Hank intend to move to Eastern Tennessee when the time is right.
IR-4 thanks Tammy for all she has done to help the IR-4 Project remain in compliance. As a friend and work associate, Tammy will be missed.
Jerry Baron
Executive Director
Cell: (908) 627-4213

Well Wishes to a Beloved Colleague
I had never had an EPA auditor go on for 5 minutes about how someone helped turn an organization around from falling waaaay short of meeting requirements to passing with flying colors. The person he was talking about was Tammy.
He told us how, years ago, Tammy begged for a little time to try to get IR-4 into compliance after a lot of shortcomings. The story was not solicited nor did it gain him anything of value. It was just told about how impressed he was and what a change she caused in IR-4. High praise from a high official.
She and I had a few disagreements but, over the years, I came to understand her desire to produce a wonderful compliant organization. I understood her passion. She succeeded!
I am proud to say that I was privileged enough to have learned under her and to have worked with her.
Thanks Tammy and I will miss you greatly.
Kathleen Knight
While our paths didn’t cross too often, the Environmental Horticulture Program doesn’t have a GLP or QA component, it was wonderful being part of Tammy’s Taste Testers whether breads, caramels or any other treat she brought into the office. I will miss your critical thinking skills applied to daily work and to scientific baking. I wish you well in your next endeavors!
Cristi Palmer
Tammy was taking baking/candy-making classes for the past couple of years, in preparation for her career after retirement. I thoroughly enjoyed samples from her classes, and her homework. I’ve lost 10 lb during the shut-down, and I attribute that to the lack of snacks in the office kitchen! My diet no longer has the wonderful treats, and if she does an apprenticeship, I sure hope she has some homework to share with us!
Debbie Carpenter
It was a pleasure working with Tammy for the last 17 years. I’ll miss her on a professional and personal level. Tammy is a wealth of knowledge on so much more than GLPs. I will also miss the Thursday morning sweets she regularly brought in while taking baking classes! I liked to travel with her to the QA meetings, she always found the best restaurants to eat at! I will miss Tammy and wish her only the best in life and in baking and candy making.
Jane Forder