Research Summary Abstract
From 1999 to 2019, numerous products representing 36 active ingredients were evaluated in several greenhouse experiments as soil drench, soil incorporation, foliar or soak application, and in 2 field trials as soil drench, against Rhizoctonia solani. Trials were conducted on begonia, chrysanthemum, garden impatiens, petunia, poinsettia, snapdragon, viburnum and zinnia. The relatively new registered products Affirm/Endorse/Veranda O (polyoxin D), Empress Intrinsic (pyraclostrobin), Heritage (azoxystrobin), Medallion (fludioxonil), Mural (azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupyr) and Pageant Intrinsic (pyraclostrobin + boscalid) showed excellent efficacy. Although there were insufficient data for definitive conclusions, BAS 703/Orkestra, BAS 750, Broadform, Compass, Disarm, Hurricane, Picatina, Promax, Prostar, Tourney and Trinity generally provided good to excellent efficacy, while Astun, SP2700, and ZeroTol generally provided poor to mediocre efficacy. The biological products Actinovate, Howler, IT-5103, MBI-110/Stargus, MBI-601, Pvent, RootShield PLUS and SoilGard also provided mediocre to excellent efficacy in limited number of tests. Of the established standards, Terraclor generally provided good efficacy, while 3336 generally provided inconsistent efficacy.