Little Rock, AR
October 10 – 12, 2023
Times (ET):
10/10: Bus Tour 8 am – 5:00 pm
10/11: 8 am – 5:00 pm, 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm
10/12: 8 am – 12:00 pm
Links to Materials
Workshop Agenda (final)
Project Information Sheets & Other Handouts
Workshop Registration
Registration is now open for the 2023 EHC Workshop!
Early Bird Registration Fee*: $300
Bus Tour Fee**: $75 (optional)
*The early bird registration fee ends September 28th at 11:59 pm ET. Registration increases to $400 on Friday, September 29 at midnight.
**There will be an optional bus tour on Tuesday, 10/10. The tour will feature several local commercial and public horticultural production spaces. Lunch will be provided. Space on the tour is limited.
Cancellations and requests for refunds must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, October 2, 2023; after that time, no refunds will be granted. If you registered to attend the Workshop in person and your circumstances change after October 2, 2023, you are welcome to participate virtually (we’ll send you a Zoom link).
If you have any questions or issues regarding the registration website, please contact Jamie Merritt at jpmerri2@ncsu.edu or the Office of Professional Development at 919.515.2261.
Hotel & Travel
The 2023 EHC Workshop will take place at the DoubleTree by Hilton Little Rock (in Little Rock, Arkansas).
Hotel Address:
DoubleTree by Hilton Little Rock
424 West Markham St.
Little Rock, AR 72201
Reservations must be made by September 16, 2023, in order to receive the group rate of $144/night. Group rates will be honored for attendees three days before the event and three days after the event, based on availability. If you need assistance booking a room at the group or Federal rate, please contact Bill Torres at billt@flepms.org.
There is no shuttle service available to this hotel. Check-in begins at 4 p.m.; Check-out is at 11 a.m.
Airport: Clinton National Airport (LIT).
Located just 7 miles from the DoubleTree by Hilton Little Rock. There are a number of ground transportation options available for transportation to and from the airport.
Workshop Priority Outcomes
During the 2023 Environmental Horticulture Workshop priority-setting sessions, we listened to presentations about new active ingredients and expansions of current products and then discussed potential projects. During the meeting, attendees voted on the top projects for each program. The results are shown below:
National Priority Projects for 2024 – 2025:
Pathology – Phytophthora & Pythium Efficacy
Pathology – Boxwood Foliar Disease (Blight, Decline, Volutella) Efficacy
Pathology – New Disease Management Tool Crop Safety
Entomology – Thrips Efficacy
Entomology – Scale Efficacy
Entomology – New Pest Management Tool Crop Safety
Weed Science – Preemergent Herbicide Crop Safety (Select Herbaceous Perennials, Cut Flower, In-Ground Production)
Weed Science – Postemergent Herbicide Crop Safety
Regional Priority Projects for 2024 – 2025:
Botrytis Efficacy (NCR, WSR)
Equisetum Efficacy in Christmas Trees (NCR)
Lygus Efficacy (WSR)
Nematode Efficacy (NER)
Pollinator Plant Herbicide Crop Safety (SOR)
Root Aphid/Aphid Efficacy (NER)
Vascular Streak Dieback Efficacy (SOR)

Daily Recordings and Welcome Presentations
Company Presentations
We listened to several presentations from registrants about new active ingredients and expansions of current products. Recordings of these presentations can be viewed below: