Crop Vignette: Coneflower

Plant Information Echinacea is a genus of about 10 perennial species, commonly known as coneflowers, in the Asteraceae family. They are native to eastern and central North America where they naturally grow in open woodlands and prairies. The genus name comes from the Greek ekhinos, meaning hedgehog, likely referring to the spiny central disk of [...]

Crop Vignette: Bleeding Heart

Plant Information Bleeding Heart (Dicentra sp.) is a genus in the Papaveraceae family with over 20 species native to North America and eastern Asia. The name Dicentra comes from the Greek words dis and kéntron meaning “twice” and “spur”, referring to the two spurred outer petals that give the flowers their distinctive shape. This distinctive [...]

Liverwort Efficacy – 2023

Liverworts (Marchantia sp.) are difficult to manage during the production of perennial environmental horticulture crops grown in containers. Liverworts are among the most serious weeds of container grown ornamentals.