Nematode Efficacy – 2024

Nematodes are typically known for the damage they cause when feeding on or residing inside roots. However, they also can impact foliage. The host range of foliar and soil dwelling nematodes is wide affecting various environmental horticulture crops,

Mollusc Efficacy – 2024

Molluscs (slugs and snails) can cause significant feeding damage of environmental horticulture plants in production. Baits containg metaldehyde or iron phosphate are the primary means to manage molluscs. This project was initiated to examine the potential for active ingredients with less risky environmental

Fatty Acid Herbicide Efficacy – 2024

Fatty acid herbicides represent potential alternatives for managing glyphosate resistant weeds as well as an option for less environmental impacts for post emergent weed management. However, optimal use patterns have not been fully established. From 2020 to 2023, five different fatty