From 2004 to 2022, IR-4 completed 231 trials on Pennant Magnum (s-metolachlor). The data contained in this report was generated to register uses of s-metolachlor on and around environmental horticulture plants
Author: IR-4 Generic
Mealybug Efficacy – 2023
Managing mealybugs and scale insects presents unique challenges. Products with contact modes of action must be applied at specific timings in order to reach the most susceptible crawler stages
SP2478 Crop Safety – 2023
SP2478 is a new fungicide being developed by SePro for the control of diseases on environmental horticulture crops such as powdery mildew and other diseases. The IR-4 Project completed
Tolerance Success: Trinexapac-ethyl
Trinexapac-ethyl was registered for use on clover grown for seed.
Tolerance Success: Mandestrobin
Mandestrobin was registered for use on tuberous and corm vegetables, except potato (subgroup 1D).
IR-4 Aids in Expanded Fungicide Label for Ginseng Growers
Isofetamid is now an option for rusty root disease management on ginseng. Learn about IR-4’s work securing this new use through EPA.
EPA and FDA Consider Change in Pest Management Product Oversight
Learn IR-4’s perspective on a potential change in honey bee product regulation.
Tolerance Success: Penthiopyrad
Penthiopyrad was registered for use on banana.
Tolerance Success: Pydiflumetofen
Pydiflumetofen was registered for us on the caneberry subgroup, greenhouse pepper, and greenhouse lettuce.
Tolerance Success: Fluopyram
Fluopyram was registered for use on a wide range of herbs, spices, leafy greens, peas and pulses.