Fluopicolide was registered as Adorn 4SC in the United States in 2008 for control of Pythium, Phytophthora and downy mildew in ornamental plants. State registrations in California and New York occurred in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Adorn 4SC may be applied on container, bench, or bed grown ornamentals in greenhouses, lathehouses, shadehouses or outdoor landscapes, and on conifers including Christmas trees in outdoor landscapes. The commercial label contains a list of 22 ornamental plants exhibiting no or minimal injury. During 2008 to 2010, the IR-4 Project completed 76 trials on 38 ornamental plant species examining phytotoxicity related to drench and foliar applications of Adorn 4SC. In all trials except one, treated plants exhibited minimal or no injury to drench and foliar applications. Sufficient trials showed 9 species or genera exhibiting minimal or no injury. Of these, 3 are already on the Adorn label; Acer palmatum, Begonia sp., Calibrachoa sp., Juniperus sp., Petunia sp, and Vinca sp. are the six crops not yet listed. Based on this information, it is recommended that these be added to the list of tolerant plants on the Adorn 4SC label.