Spirotetramat was registered as Kontos for use on ornamentals applied foliar or drench in the United States in 2008. The label recommends use on ornamental horticulture plants except a few species or genera specified in the label. From 2007 to 2013, the IR-4 Project conducted 225 trials on 49 ornamental plant species examining phytotoxicity related to Kontos applications. In these trials, only 6 crops (Begonia sp, Coleus x hybridus, Petunia sp., Pelargonium sp., Vinca sp., and Viola sp.) exhibited noticeable, significant injury and that was a slight height reduction, leaf curling, bleaching of flowers or plant death at the 2X and 4X rates applied as drench. One species (Verbena hybrida) exhibited significant flower discoloration at all rates applied as drench in one trial. Based on this information, it is recommended that the label prohibits drench application on Begonia sp., Coleus x hybridus, Petunia sp., Pelargonium sp., Verbena hybrida, Vinca sp., and Viola sp. The current label does not recommend use of Kontos on Pelargonium spp. Foliar application on these species may be recommended with the precautionary statements in the CROP TOLERANCE section of the current Kontos label.
Spirotetramat Crop Safety – 2015
Research Summary Abstract