Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance (QA):  The regulatory requirement set forth in 40 CFR Part 160 (the FIFRA Good Laboratory Practice Standards) that mandates an internal monitoring program.  The IR-4 QA program monitors study conduct, record keeping, reporting and record retention processes and reports to testing facility management and study directors any observations/findings that do not meet the required GLP standards.  Those reported findings with recommended corrective actions are then to be responded to and the appropriate corrections documented by study conduct/study management personnel.  The IR-4 QA page presents links to our online reporting system (eQA/eDOCs), QA monitoring checklists, FAQ and other materials that support the IR-4 QA program.

IR-4  eQA/eDocs System

More eQA Information

GLP Handbook


IR-4 QA Audit/ Inspection Checklists